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5 Tips to Protect you from Job Scams

In today’s digital age, job hunting has become both exciting and daunting. While new opportunities await, so do the risks posed by job scams. These deceptive traps are designed to mislead unsuspecting job seekers, leaving them vulnerable to potential financial loss, identity theft, and wasted time.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or simply curious about other opportunities, understanding the red flags and protective measures is crucial.

  1. Conduct a thorough research
    1. Before applying for a position, invest time in researching the company. Verify its legitimacy, check for a physical address, and explore their online presence. A genuine employer will have a solid record and won’t shy away from scrutiny.
  2. Verify website and link security
    1. Don’t click blindly! Verify the legitimacy of job websites or links. Look for secure connections and ensure the site isn’t a shady front for scammers. Your digital safety matters.
  3. Listen to your instincts
    1. If a job offer seems too good to be true or an employer’s communication raises doubts, pause. Investigate further, seek additional information, and don’t hesitate to decline or avoid if something feels off. Remember, if a company asks you to deposit a check and then requests that you send them some of the money back, that’s a common scam. Be cautious and protect yourself from potential fraud.
  4. Protect your personal information
    1. Keep your bank account information, credit card number, social security number and all other sensitive information safe from strangers online, even if they ask for it. Legitimate employers won’t ask for your credit card details or social security number upfront. Wait until you’ve verified the company is legitimate and you’ve received an offer letter or started the onboarding process before sharing such confidential information. If a recruiter insists otherwise, proceed with caution.
  5. Look for complaints
    1. Explore job site reviews and forums. Fellow job seekers often share their encounters with specific employers. Their insights can reveal red flags or validate a company’s authenticity. Learn from their wisdom to navigate the job market wisely.


Remember these five essential tips to protect yourself from job scams. Beyond these precautions, there’s one more crucial step: reach out to your bank or financial institution. If you suspect any fraudulent activity or encounter suspicious requests during your job search, we’re here to assist you. Your financial well-being matters, and together, we can navigate the professional journey with confidence. Stay informed and cautious. If you need assistance, stop by one of our nine branches, or call us today.